public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags blogs & linux

November 2007

La route est longue mais la voie est libre

# 1.Linux # 2 Bureautique # 3 création web # 4 Si vous utilisez encore windows .... # 5 Sur le Web # 6 archives

July 2007

<CodeJacked/> - Productivity and technology tips to get you jacked!

* Design * Linux * Productivity * Programming * Security * Software * Uncategorized * Windows

Sysadmin en herbe

Vous trouverez ici diverses astuces pour vous faciliter la vie sur votre unix préféré. Pour continuer il vous faudra connaître les commandes de base unix et savoir vous débrouiller avec la commande man car je ne donne pas toutes les options, mais seulement un aperçu des fonctionnalités. Il est parfois indispensable d'être administrateur de la machine (root).

November 2005

BlogBridge : The ultimate info-junkie system

by 1 other (via)
So you are a real info-junkie - you need to scan through much more information than others. You probably are subscribing to hundreds of information feeds - blogs, data feeds, news feeds, etc. Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Welcome to BlogBridge - the Blog and feed aggregation solution specifically designed for people like you. We will help you organize and sort through vast amounts of information, and we will let you discover stuff that would otherwise be hard to find. Click here to read how we do it! Oh and by the way - it's it's free and open source - and it runs on Windows XP, Mac OS X and Linux. So try it now, and make sure you tell other information junkies that you found something really useful.