public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Teulliac with tag facebook

October 2012

Six Simple Tips For Better Facebook Page Success

If your brand’s Facebook page isn’t exactly the life of the social media party, there’s still hope. Digital marketing agency iCrossing studied the brand pages of Fortune 500 companies for a year and came up with some ways that engagement can be fostered. Though most page administrators don’t have the big bucks to spend on campaigns, the six steps from iCrossing apply to any budget.

État des lieux de Facebook avec 1 milliard d'utilisateurs

Hier était une grande date dans l’histoire du web, car Facebook a dépassé la barre symbolique du milliard d’utilisateurs. Il y a donc utilisateurs inscrits sur Facebook, un chiffre assurément impressionnant. Tout comme je l’avais fait en 2011 (Rétrospective sur les 3 dernières années de Facebook), je vous propose de faire un point à date sur Facebook et ce que les marques et organisations peuvent en tirer.

[Facebook] Sortir du piège du “like”

Depuis le 21 septembre, Facebook a à nouveau modifié l’Edge Rank, l’algorithme qui détermine ce qui apparaît dans le fil d’actualité des utilisateurs. Une publication donnée sur une page de marque sera vue par 45% de fans en moins en moyenne, a moins d’investir dans la publicité Facebook. On crie au scandale, Le Monde s’insurge, mais au final on doit se rendre à l’évidence : Facebook est propriétaire de son audience, et alors que le cours de l’action reste au plus bas, il fallait s’attendre à ce qu’on pousse les annonceurs à passer à la caisse.

September 2012

Les offres Facebook sont là ! - Axome

Il s’agit d’une nouvelle fonctionnalité disponible dans l’outil de publication de votre page Facebook . En tant qu’administrateur de page(s), vous pouvez dès à présent mettre en avant des offres et des promotions de vos produits aisément sur votre page.

Breakdown: Social Media Workflow, Process, Triage

Definition:  A Social Media Workflow, Process, or Triage is a sequence of connected steps that enables the entire organization to act efficiently with minimal overlapping tasks and resources in order to serve the market in social channels and beyond.

Facebook lance les options de ciblages sur les pages | My Community Manager

Facebook est en train de déployer une nouvelle fonctionnalité sur les pages Fans. Une fonctionnalité qui permettra de cibler ses posts de manière très précise.

August 2012

Edge Rank: l'algorithme de Facebook expliqué

EdgeRank est l’algorithme de Facebook qui a pour fonction de déterminer dans quelle mesure les publications (Edges) de vos contacts seront affichés sur votre fil d’actualité (news feed). Vous avez quelque chose d’intéressant à faire partager sur Facebook mais personne ne vous prête attention?  La faute à Facebook et à son nouvel algorithme Edge Rank. Ci-après, une explication complète suivi d’un exemple: Selon Facebook, 95% des usagers utilisent uniquement le fil d’actualité “À la une” et non l’onglet “Les plus récentes”. Cela peut poser des problèmes pour les web marketeurs en termes de promotion, par exemple. Il est donc important de comprendre comment fonctionne cet algorithme pour obtenir une meilleure visibilité auprès de vos contacts ou fans.

How To Measure Facebook Page Engagement - AllFacebook

Are you trying to figure out how much your fans really like you or your brand? This guide outlines a few things you should never miss when monitoring your Facebook page performance.

Facebook : Anatomie du Statut Idéal

Maintenant que vous connaissez les rouages du Edgerank, chacune de vos publications devra être réfléchie en conséquence, avec comme objectif d’afficher votre contenu au maximum de vos adeptes.

July 2012

5 Essential Spreadsheets for Social Media Analytics

by 1 other
That’s why many social media marketers and power users are in constant search of free, efficient alternatives. Here, we’ll share a few ready-made spreadsheets you can copy (navigate File + Make a copy) and use for social media analytics. They are free, highly customizable and extremely easy to use. Most of the scripts that run the spreadsheets are “public,” meaning you can access them from the Tools + Script Gallery menu (this also means they were reviewed and approved by Google Spreadsheets team)

12 Tips When Using Facebook Promoted Posts | Social Media Examiner

Facebook has enabled you to pay for an individual post to be seen in more of your fans’ news feeds. You have probably noticed the new metric Facebook has on the bottom of every post showing how many people it reached.

Why The Current Facebook Engagement Rate Calculation Is Inaccurate | Wise - Facebook Analytics

As the social media analytics field is pretty knew, it’s really important to understand how the metrics are computed. Let’s take for example, one of Facebook’s core metric : the “Engagement Rate”.  What is supposed to be measured with the Engagement Rate ? “The Engagement Rate measures how well your Fans interact with your content”. That’s a common definition. What’s that supposed to mean ? If you have a 0.02% Engagement Rate, it means 0.02% of your fans have engaged with your content, isn’t it ?

June 2012

A Facebook Like Does Not Equal an Opt-in

I’m writing this post while visiting Antwerp, Belgium as part of the Social Business Sessions I’m hosting along with The Fusion Marketing Experience. While here, I had an opportunity to spend time with several Belgian journalists. One of the notable conversations was with Erik Verdonck of Pub, a local magazine focused on the advertising industry. The three themes we touched upon are not only timely, but representative of the challenges that face marketers and strategists around the globe.

Period Table of Social Media

Recently, we shared LUMA Partner's insane infographic showing how complicated social media has become. The post received a lot of feedback, largely centered around what was missing. There were a few major social media outlets that seemed near impossible to miss, mainly 2012's darling child Pinterest. The largest problem with LUMA's graph was that it was created in June of 2011, long before Pinterest became nationally popular. Never mind: hosting provider InMotion Hosting made a graphic a few months ago that included Pinterest and a few others, this time in the form of a periodic table. Put it this way, if you were going to try to tell your grandmother how she could advertise her organic blueberry business online, this is what you would use. It's still confusing, cluttered and ever-changing, but the periodic table provides at least some hope of creating a strategy to navigating the big social media networks.

Facebook Becoming More Popular Among Seniors

Can you guess the fastest-growing demographic on Facebook? It’s not teenagers or college students, but their grandparents. According to the latest statistics from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 53 percent of Americans 65 or older are online. Of that subset, 34 percent use social networking sites such as Facebook.

Introducing subscriptions and local currency pricing

Today, we’re announcing two updates to our payments product: subscriptions and local currency pricing. New ways to monetize with subscriptions Many developers successfully monetize their apps with one-time purchases of virtual items. Beginning in July, we are launching subscriptions as another way for you to build your businesses on Facebook. With subscriptions, you can establish a recurring revenue stream and offer updated content or premium experiences for a monthly fee.

What Happens After You Click "Report"

At Facebook we maintain a robust infrastructure that empowers our more than 900 million person community to help us enforce our policies by using the report links found throughout the site. While it is unlikely that you will have any problems with content on the site, it might not always be clear what happens once you do decide to click "Report." Today, we are excited to publish a guide that will give the people who use Facebook more insight into our reporting process.

Best practices : 7 conseils pour bien créer et organiser ses campagnes Facebook [Dossier Facebook Marketing]

by 2 others
Après avoir vu les formats et les ciblages publicitaires proposés par Facebook, nous allons poursuivre notre dossier avec quelques conseils pour bien créer et organiser les campagnes. Segmentation de l’audience, détermination des enchères…

May 2012

Facebook Statistics by Country - Socialbakers

by 1 other provides daily updated Facebook statistics for more than 200 countries. Click a country to see country-specific statistics.

Pourquoi Facebook et Google devraient avoir complètement disparu d’ici 5 ans

by 1 other
La lecture de la semaine est un post de blog hébergé sur le site de Forbes, blog tenu par un certain Eric Jackson (@ericjackson), fondateur de la société de capital-risque IronFire. Le post est intitulé “Voici pourquoi Facebook et Google devraient avoir complètement disparu d’ici 5 ans”. Ce qui est intéressant, c’est que ce post a été écrit fin avril, bien avant donc les déboires qui accompagnent l’introduction de Facebook au Nasdaq en début de semaine. Mais il donne des pistes pour comprendre à quel point Facebook a été survalorisé.