public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from -Nicolas- with tags référence & links

November 2006

ALL HTML - Accueil

by 24 others
Le nouveau ALL HTML est non plus seulement un portail d'informations dédié aux webmasters / développeurs, mais également un formidable outil de diffusion et d'échanges entre internautes intéressés par les nouvelles technos.

October 2006

» CSS: Techniques, Tutorials, Layouts | Smashing Magazine | modern magazine for web-designers and developers

by 3 others
Since web-development is a quite dynamic field nowadays, new techniques are being developed and updated all the time. A primary example are CSS-related techniques, which emerge almost every day and offer more possibilities for fellows web-developers. We keep an eye on the recent developments and collect new ideas and methods for our readers. A “fresh” round-up of the “fresh” CSS techniques, tutorials and layouts.

Software Development in the Real World: The Complete List of CSS Tools

by 2 others
There are so many great CSS Tools out there to use! Please feel free to use this list as the most up to date list on the Internet.

September 2006

TUTMarks /

by 69 others, 1 comment
TUTMARKS est un site web collaboratif spécialisé dans le partage et la promotion de tutoriaux sur Internet, il permet aux internautes de proposer des tutoriaux trouvés sur le web, de les commenter, et d'en évaluer l'intérêt par un système de vote/notation.

Max Kiesler - How to Make Your AJAX Applications Accessible - 40 Tutorials and Articles

by 16 others
AJAX is a great tool for creating rich internet applications, however, when improperly implemented it can cause huge accessibility issues. The good news is that most of these issues can be fixed so your websites are viewable by a much wider audience.