public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags usabilité & ajax

September 2006

January 2006

Developing Ajax Applications That Preserve Standard Browser Functionality

by nhoizey & 2 others (via)
a few critical voices have pointed out that Ajax applications break several important browser features, including support for the back/forward button

November 2005

Particletree · The Hows and Whys of Degradable Ajax

by nhoizey & 6 others
we decided that we wanted to create a flawless user experience for all users without having to sacrifice the added user interface benefits provided by Ajax goodness

July 2005

The Fade Anything Technique

by nhoizey & 18 others (via)
Fade an infinite number of elements, No inline JavaScript, Background color aware, Fade from any color, Super smooth fading ≈ AJAX Login System Demo

by sledge & 12 others (via)
Creating a secure login system using XMLHttpRequest This is an example of a login system that does not require page refreshes, but is still very secure.

June 2005

Backbase - Rich Internet Applications

by sledge & 10 others
With Backbase software you can quickly create user-friendly and highly interactive Rich Internet Applications. These applications are based on Web Standards and can be viewed in almost any modern web browser without installing any plug-ins. Backbase is ideally suited to create the presentation layer of web applications, especially if ease of use and time-to-market are essential. Adoption of the Backbase software will allow you to communicate more effectively with your customers, and improve the productivity of your web developers.

Active users

last mark : 07/09/2006 11:29

last mark : 26/01/2006 16:50

last mark : 02/07/2005 17:23