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PUBLIC MARKS with tags metaenabling & internet

July 2010

Zahia, ou le remords du journalisme lol | Totem

by alphoenix
Internaute avant d’être journaliste. Un jeune homme de 25 ans, curieux comme un chat, et puis navré de sa boulette. Ce qui fait du journalisme lol un digne héritier du journalisme gonzo. Si le web est aussi ce tam-tam des pratiques des “vrais gens”, qui s’échangent des vidéos de chaton parce que c’est tout mignon, un journalisme capable de restituer cette matière, tout en se souvenant d’où il vient, peut devenir un récit précieux. Un journalisme qui a des remords vaudra toujours mieux qu’un journalisme qui n’a que des regrets.

Online editorial models #04: Meta-enabling journalism aka lol-journalism

by alphoenix
Speaking lightly of serious things and seriously of light ones is not only a motto every educated French men is bound to follow – at least if he was raised by the same grand father I had – it’s also an editorial online model which prospers on Internet. To the extent that it could be the piece of online puzzle without which no start-up could live long.

December 2009


by alphoenix
Meta-enabling allows blogs to treat the way in which the posts are presented as the thesis of the post itself (hence, the necessity of the prefix meta- to the term)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag metaenabling

humour +   internet +   journalisme +  

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last mark : 17/07/2010 21:26