public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags logiciel & iphone


1.0 Is the Loneliest Number

by nhoizey
Matt Mullenweg nous parle de la première release d'un projet, et des releases suivantes. "Release early, release often", comme on dit depuis longtemps sans toujours le faire...

Easy WiFi

by nhoizey
"Many public WiFi networks need you to login using a web browser (technically, called captive-portals). Easy WiFi is designed to automate this login process"

SimCap — Just About Managing

by nhoizey & 1 other
Grab screenshots for the App Store with a single button click. Create professional quality demonstration videos and walkthroughs with ease. Show potential customers your game or app in action. Promote it on YouTube and other video sharing sites.

TouchPad - Remotely control your Mac with an iPhone or iPod touch

by nhoizey
"With TouchPad's intuitive use, you'll feel right at home if you have already used a track pad on a MacBook"


Devicescape - Connect all your Wi-Fi devices to any hotspot or Wi-Fi network - automatically

by nhoizey
"Devicescape Easy Wi-Fi automates the process of logging in to hotspots with web-based authorization pages."

Waveboard – Google Wave Client for iPhone and Mac

by nhoizey
"Waveboard is a client software for Google Wave for both Mac OS X 10.5 and iPhone OS 3.0 ."


by nhoizey
Rowmote is just like your Mac’s remote control but over the wireless network

Vos bookmarks Foxmark sur votre iPhone

by nhoizey
Links in a Blink est une application iPhone gratuite permettant de télécharger vos marque-pages associés à votre compte Google ou Foxmark.

Les transports parisiens sur iPhone

by nhoizey
Voilà enfin une application iPhone presque gratuite qui permet de calculer des itinéraires en transports en commun dans Paris et sa banlieue (hors bus pour l'instant).

Open Source iPhone Software - The best open source apps on the iPhone.

by nhoizey & 1 other
Yes! Open source exists on the iPhone. While the phone OS may be closed, you can still run free and open software. Here's a list of the best open source on the iPhone.



by jefaparis
Logiciel, iPhone, Ipod Touch, Livre


by jefaparis
Logiciel, iPhone, Ipod Touch,


by jefaparis
Logiciel, iPhone

Marketcircle: iPhoney

by nhoizey & 13 others
Looking for a way to see how your web creations will look on iPhone? Look no further. iPhoney gives you a pixel-accurate web browsing environment—powered by Safari—that you can use when developing web sites for iPhone. It's the perfect 320 by 480-pixe



by irols
Enter MakeiPhoneRingtone, a free download available right now. Simply drag and drop AAC ringtones (made with any editor, though we hope you'll use Fission) onto this tiny app, and they'll show up in the iPhone Ringtones tab. Sync your iPhone and they'll ready for use.

Active users

last mark : 12/11/2010 09:29

last mark : 08/09/2009 16:00

last mark : 29/08/2008 13:46

last mark : 19/09/2007 20:37