public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags logiciel & adobe


Create Groups and stay organised « TweetDeck

by parmentierf
Avoid information overload on Twitter with TweetDeck groups. Groups allow you to group your followers, making it easier to follow what’s going on in all areas of your online life. Typical groups can be work, friends, family, celebrities, favourite bloggers, anything you like really.

Finally, Geoencoding in Lightroom! Announcing my GPS-Support Plugin

by nhoizey
A plugin for Adobe Lightroom, “Jeffrey's GPS Support”, that adds support for Geoencoding photos from within Lightroom



by nhoizey & 14 others
FlickrLeech, once an extremely popular way to search Flickr content, is now available for download to your PC or Mac! No more downtime or server issues.

Shrink O'Matic

by nhoizey
Shrink O'Matic is an AIR application to easily (batch) resize (shrink) images. It handles JPGs, GIFs and PNGs.

Jeffrey Friedl's Blog » Jeffrey's "Export to Flickr" Lightroom Plugin

by nhoizey
This Export-to-Flickr plugin has been completely rewritten for Lightroom 2.0 and later, and is not compatible with Lightroom 1.


2006 - Première Communauté de Crystallizeurs

by LuciferX & 2 others
Ce site magnifique regroupe d'excellents tutos pour faire des creations d'images, il vous propose de skiner windows, de decouvrir le monde des tux et bien d'autres choses.


Daring Fireball: Translation From PR-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Adobe's 'FAQ' Regarding Their Acquisition of Macromedia

by Roberta & 4 others (via)
Il y a quelque jours, <a href=>Adobe a racheté Macromedia</a>, créant ainsi une sorte de monopole sur les logiciels de création graphique à destination des pros. Les monopoles, c'est mal (c)(tm), on a vu ce que cela donne avec le monopole sur les OS. Alors voici une petite traduction de la FAQ sur le rachat, de la langue de bois vers l'anglais contemporain.

Active users

last mark : 31/08/2009 13:25

last mark : 13/05/2009 10:36

last mark : 08/01/2009 22:43

Video Clip
last mark : 10/03/2007 16:18

last mark : 10/03/2007 16:18

Gratuit Technologie
last mark : 10/03/2007 16:18

last mark : 10/03/2007 16:18

last mark : 07/12/2006 12:09

last mark : 22/04/2005 19:49