public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags identity & fiction

20 November 2006

Listology: "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die"

by jlesage
lists like this give me ideas of what to look for in the library; the whole idea of "listology" is whacky and fun

Welcome to Transparency

by jlesage & 1 other
"interprets and critiques movies and television, news and political rhetoric, theme parks and advertising, computer games and the Internet, and other creations of contemporary culture"

15 November 2006

100 films

by jlesage
film blog; announces upcoming blogathons: Lovesick Cinema, Feb. 14; Unspoken Cinema, 08 January; Film Criticism, 01 December-03 December; Alfred Hitchcock, 15 November; large network of film bloggers write for these

13 November 2006

11 November 2006


by jlesage
tranquil animation with zen spirit; again, worth exploring narratives with a whole different time sense and way of making a point

Zensufi Park

by jlesage
Zen/sufi stories help those with writer's block or pinned down to traditional narrative arcs

06 November 2006

02 November 2006

16 October 2006


by jlesage
blog about relation between hypertext theory and theories of authorship

11 October 2006

SOS: Searching Out Stories - Story-Lovers

by jlesage
exhaustive list of stories, news articles that suggest stories; my favorite: "ANIMALS, BIRDS, AMPHIBIANS, FISH and INSECTS – stories, folklore and facts"

10 October 2006

Active users

last mark : 20/11/2006 23:09