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Vidéo dans le navigateur : Theora ou H.264 ? - Standblog

by srcmax & 1 other (via)

La question qu'on lit souvent ces derniers temps, c'est : maintenant que Chrome et Safari supportent H.264, Mozilla devrait payer la licence H.264 et faire "comme tout le monde" (enfin, si on accepte que "tout le monde" représente 8% du marché[1], hein). Que les choses soient claires : il y a fort peu de chances que ça arrive. La décision n'est pas de mon ressort, donc ce que vous lisez là n'est que mon avis (et pas celui de Mozilla), mais voilà pourquoi ça ne devrait pas arriver

Try our new HTML5 player! on Vimeo Staff Blog

by marco & 1 other
The simple fact is right now h264 allows us the most flexibility to display on many devices and many players with the same file. When that changes, so will we.

Introducing YouTube HTML5 Supported Videos

by marco
HTML5 on YouTube doesn't support videos with ads, captions, or annotations and it requires a browser that supports both the video tag and h.264 encoded video (currently that means Chrome, Safari, and ChromeFrame on Internet Explorer).

Try our new HTML5 player! on Vimeo Staff Blog

by nhoizey & 1 other
"The simple fact is right now h264 allows us the most flexibility to display on many devices and many players with the same file. When that changes, so will we."


Decoding the HTML 5 video codec debate

by marco & 1 other
There is a clear need for an open alternative, but the codec controversy could make it difficult.


Theora vs. h.264

by marco
A lot was said lately about the Vorbis/Theora vs h.264/AAC situation on the draft of the HTML5

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag h.264

chrome +   codec +   google +   html5 +   video +   vidéo +   webm +  

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