public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag astronomy





Hubblecast 07: Uncovering the Veil Nebula - Hubblecast - Vidéo - sevenload

by fotopol
Hubblecast, videos, consacré aux images récoltées par HUBBLE le téléscope



WorldWide Telescope

by ycc2106
A web-based version of WorldWide Telescope is also now available. This version enables seamless, guided explorations of the universe from within a web browser on PC and Intel Mac OS X by using the power of Microsoft Silverlight 3.0.

moon calendar

by rax262 (via)
Calendar prediction of moon phase

microObservatory Guest Observer Portal

by knann (via)
Welcome to the MicroObservatory online telescope network. You can now explore the universe using working telescopes that YOU control via the Internet free of charge, and have access to your image within 48 hours! Each of our easy-to-follow activities allows you to investigate different aspects of the universe just like a professional astronomer. You select your target, choose exposure times or filters, then sit back and hope for clear skies! To start, click on an activity below.


Lunar Cycle Challenge

by knann (via)
Drag the moons to their places in the lunar cycle. Three levels of play.

Worldbook on NASA

by knann
astronomy related content

Planet Size Comparison

by knann (via)
What a great tool to see how the sun and planets compare in size. Try it, it's easy: In the first box choose "Sun". In the second box, choose "Mercury". Next, click the word "compare" located between the two boxes. Try different variations.

A11 vs Football

by sbrothier (via)
On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the moon. He didn’t moonwalk alone – ‘Buzz’ Aldrin joined him on the surface – and he didn’t walk far. After travelling hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the landing crew of the Apollo 11 lunar mission barely covered an area the size of a football pitch. Many thanks to John Mark Boling for sending in this extremely cool map, found at this page of the NASA history division website.

Active users

last mark : 09/06/2015 13:36

François Hodierne
last mark : 08/03/2014 10:35

last mark : 02/01/2011 11:24

last mark : 18/01/2010 15:34

last mark : 05/09/2009 18:32

last mark : 06/05/2009 03:07

last mark : 19/02/2009 10:14

last mark : 21/01/2009 14:31

last mark : 21/09/2008 13:35

last mark : 20/09/2008 08:46

last mark : 29/06/2008 04:13

last mark : 19/04/2008 12:47

last mark : 25/03/2008 07:52