public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from shankargallery with tags openaccess & shankargallery

May 2007

Clipmark: FreePress : Verge of turning over our public Internet airwaves to the same giant phone and cable co sent out this alert yesterday Imagine having a fast connection to an open Internet wherever you go, without needing a telephone wire or cable modem. The FCC could make this happen. Instead they’re on the verge of turning over

FreePress : Verge of turning over our public Internet airwaves to the same giant phone and cable co sent out this alert yesterday Imagine having a fast connection to an open Internet wherever you go, without needing a telephone wire or cable modem. The FCC could make this happen. Instead they’re on the verge of turning over

VirtualChaos - Nadeem’s blog » Open Access and an example of how it can work in education

I’ve been thinking a lot about Open Access, Open Content and indeed Open Data for a while, they are all interrelated issues that were thinking about a lot at Talis. It’s true to say that the Open Data issue is probably the one we are focusing on prima

March 2007

Version 3.0 Launched - Creative Commons

Mia Garlick, February 23rd, 2007 //The latest version of the Creative Commons licenses — Version 3.0 — are now available. To briefly recap what is different in this version of the licenses:Separating the “generic” from the US license //As part of

Web Inventor Berners-Lee Supports Network Neutrality - Technology News by InformationWeek

Web Inventor Berners-Lee Supports Network Neutrality //America would lose its competitive edge if providers were able to control the speed at which information moved, the legendary computer scientist warns Congress. //By K.C. Jones //InformationWeek //Mar