public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from znarf with tags technorati & tags

February 2006

June 2005

May 2005

Folksonomy e tag: i siti imperdibili

Al motto di "enlarge your bookmarks" ecco una variazione di che fonde il social bookmarking con il mondo dei blog e offre alcune funzionalità interessanti.

March 2005

Tag Boom

by 1 other
"I feel the 'tag issue' dabate is explosing early this year 2005."

February 2005

Joe Clark is right

by 1 other
Tantek about weighted list semantic.

January 2005

Clarifying tags

by 1 other
explanations by Kevin Marks from technorati. "The assumption the technorati spider makes is that the last path component of the url is the tag" Neat :)

Many-to-Many: Technorati tags: Take 2

"Disclosure: I am on Technorati's Board of Advisors. But I would have been excited about this anyway."

Many-to-Many: Technorati Takes Tags Global

by 1 other
"Full Disclosure: Technorati is a customer and I have lots of friends who work there. I also happen to think this is very cool stuff"

Dave Winer on Technorati Tags

"What does it mean for two products to be friends anyway? What happened to open protocols and level playing fields? Sometimes I think these people don't understand the Internet."