public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from znarf with tags tags & "social software"

January 2006

June 2005

xFolk Entry 0.4 — Microformat for decentralized tagging

by 9 others
"enables the publication of tagged bookmarks so that they can be harvested on the web and aggregated into folksonomies. As such, xFolk eliminates the need to rely on centralized data repositories to create folksonomies."

May 2005

Les outils « sociaux » de catégorisation et le génie des alpages

by 2 others (via)
"J'aime beaucoup les folksonomies quand il s'agit de coller des étiquettes sur mes bocaux de confiture, parce-que je sais comment mes bocaux de confiture sont organisés, où il sont placés, comment je les consomme, comment je les ai préparé, le goût qu'ils ont, etc."

April 2005

Code Snippets

by 48 others (via)
"Store, sort and share source code, with tag goodness" Excellent!!

March 2005

February 2005

Vimeo - Automatic Movies

by 54 others
This is a site for organizing and sharing your video clips. Vimeo also makes it easy to watch your friends' video clips, or to view clips that have common subject matter.


by 2 others
evnt helps you look after your calendar and, by share the events in it, and discover more.