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PUBLIC MARKS from znarf with tags google & atom




Atom Over XMPP Hack For a Book That Wasn't To Be

by 2 others
Instead of a typical XMPP IM message, we'll show how to send Atom Entry documents as XMPP payloads.


Google launches Blog Search

by 1 other
And infos about the Six Apart atom stream

phil ringnalda dot com: Google News feeds: meh

"Yay, Google News now has RSS and Atom feeds. But, boo, they have RSS and Atom feeds. Both. With no real reason to choose between them: both have heinous escaped table-and-font HTML as the only content, both have escaped numeric character references in the titles "

Gmail adds feed reading

by 4 others
"there's a new feature in Gmail called Web Clips, which displays little headlines above your inbox or message and is fed via, um, feeds."