public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tags engine & desktop

07 April 2006

Deepy :: Rediscover The Results

by 1 other
Search engine, image search with advanced featires, history, spell check...iframe, tabbed interface

26 March 2006

Cooqy: surf eBay faster, for free

by 2 others
Fastest way to surf eBay auctions, especially with a 56k modem. Flash required. Destop like interface with tabs, content filterong, magnifying...

14 March 2006

Grub's Distributed Web Crawling Project

Like SETI@Home, LookSmart's Grub screensaver runs in the background or when the computer is idle. But instead of searching for signs of intelligent aliens, Grub crawls the Net to build an index for Web searches.

07 March 2006


by 3 others
Desktop and web search Language: Chinese, english, german, french