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PUBLIC MARKS from tehu with tag search



Exalead new look

by 36 others
Interface à mi-chemin entre Google et Netvibes+screenshots. A quand une dispostion "à la Exposé" pour Blogmarks ?


Mouche rejoint Yahoo!

by 2 others (via)
Encore un transfert à sensation ;-) d'un(e) blogueur(se) vers une BigCo. Zawodny : on attend ton annonce...

Jason is loosing his temper with Technorati

by 3 others
Technorati has the brand, the nice people, the cool formats... But where have they put reliability ?

Zawodny spoke

The rumours about Yahoo working on a Technorati killer, are true. // Et Google ?

Nick Bradbury: Microsoft, RSS and Attention

A feed store build into Longhorn ? That's kind of logic to personalize search, and a bit scary too, because it's MS.

Leaky Tap - Internet.CustomKeywords

Custom Keywords create shortcuts to URLs that you type on the Location bar of your Mozilla or Firefox browser window. Lazy Web indeed.


LaughingMeme: WordPress, Tagging, and a Critique of Hierarchy

by 1 other
GMail,, Flickr... In 2004 Web Apps prefer tags to folders. Try with WordPress.

Google Groups v2

by 10 others
How to sink Yahoo Groups and Usenet in one blob application.

tehu's TAGS related to tag search

ajax +   attention +   blogging +   blogmarks +   cms +   delicious +   duplication +   firefox +   google +   javascript +   metablog +   netvibes +   rss +   social:app +   syndication +   technorati +   web +   yahoo +