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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags sourceforge & project

June 2009

BASIC-256 - Programming for Kids

Tutorial Ten - Animation Do you know how movies and cartoons work? Have you ever made a "flipbook?" Well, before we get into how to do animation using a computer, it helps to understand how animation really works. When we see moving pictures on a screen, they're not really moving. What actually happens is that a sequence of still pictures -- like photographs -- are flashed on the screen so quickly that you can't tell how fast it's happening. About 30 times every second, the screen is cleared and a new picture takes the place of the old one. If we were to slow it down it would look like this:

BASIC-256 - Programming for Kids

Tutorial Four - Variables In the previous tutorials, we learned how to print messages and numbers on the screen and how to do math using the print command. This is very good to know how to do, but it doesn't really help us use the full power of the computer. Computers do more than simple things like add numbers and print messages. A big part of what computers do is to store information, so it can be used later. This is where "variables" come in handy. Variables are a way to save a message or a number so that you can use it later. Let's try an example.

BASIC-256 - Programming for Kids

Tutorial Three - Drawing Pictures One of the most exciting things to do with a computer is to draw things with it. Usually you would do this with a paint program, but what if you didn't have one? Or what if you wanted to draw a circle, and then have it move across the screen? This tutorial will show you how to do basic drawing. First, let's try drawing a few dots.

August 2008 Files

Launchy is a free windows utility designed to help you forget about your start menu, your desktop icons, and your file manager. Launchy indexes and launches your applications, documents, project files, folders, and bookmarks with just a few keystrokes!

BASIC-256 - Programming for Kids

by 1 other
The BASIC-256 project (formerly KidBASIC) has changed its name to avoid any potential conflict/confusion with another project with the same name. Thank you for your patience and continued support. Introduction BASIC-256 is an easy to use version of BASIC designed to teach young children the basics of computer programming. It uses traditional control structures like gosub, for/next, and goto, which helps kids easily see how program flow-control works. It has a built-in graphics mode which lets them draw pictures on screen in minutes, and a set of detailed, easy-to-follow tutorials that introduce programming concepts through fun exercises. BASIC-256 is licensed under the GNU public license, which means that it's free to download, modify, and share.

February 2008

GnomeSword - Bible study with GNOME

by 1 other (via)
GnomeSword is a Bible study tool written for Linux and UNIX systems under the GNOME toolkit, offering a rich and featureful environment for reading, study, and research using modules from The Sword Project and elsewhere. GnomeSword also runs in the Windows Cygwin environment.

October 2007 JavaSolitaire

Project Admins: fbergeron Operating System: OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language) License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Category: Games/Entertainment LProf open source ICC profiler

LProf is an open source color profiler that creates ICC compliant profiles for devices such as cameras, scanners and monitors. Origanally authored by Marti Maria the creator of LCMS. Marti has graciously consented to the creation of this project

September 2007

KPhone Home Page

by 1 other
KPhone has moved! Due to our lack of resources KPhone has been given a new home at SourceForge. Contact information for KPhone can be found at SourceForge's KPhone project page. See mailing lists for more information. The latest "official" KPhone release (4.2) can still be downloaded here. THANK YOU for your support during the last five years!!

August 2007 GnuWin32

by 1 other
Project Admins: gnuwin32 Operating System: 32-bit MS Windows (95/98), 32-bit MS Windows (NT/2000/XP), All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP), Win2K, WinXP, Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT License: BSD License, GNU General Public License (GPL), GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL), zlib/libpng License, Other/Proprietary License, Public Domain Category: Desktop Environment, Office/Business, Build Tools Software Map

Software Map Topics Welcome to the Software Map. The Software map will help you quickly navigate around the thousands of projects hosted on To use the Software Map, simply click on one of the popular Topics displayed. Once you're browsing a particular topic, you'll be able to easily filter, sort and search your project list.

February 2007

November 2006 Project details for Zimbra Collaboration Suite

About: Zimbra is a server and client technology for next-generation enterprise messaging and collaboration (email, group calendar, contacts, etc). It features a browser-based AJAX client with search, shared calendar, and mail that is integrated with contacts and calendar, and support for Outlook, iCal,, contacts, and offline mode. Administrators benefit from online move, back-up, and recovery of individual or groups of mailboxes, compatibility with existing LDAP directories., native hierarchical storage management and clustering, Web services integration with existing enterprise applications, and integrated anti-spam and anti-virus