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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags photo & gimp

07 April 2008

15 February 2008

Turn a digital photo into Polaroid with GIMP

Related Content: * Graphics Tutorials * Fedora stuff and artwork * stuff and artwork * Clipart * Playing Cards * Cartoons * People Faces * Pin-ups

03 January 2008

16 September 2007

20 August 2007

15 May 2007

21 Web 2.0 tutorials for The GIMP

by 1 other
Posted in design, graphic, opensource, digg, web 2.0, english, italiano, gimp, tutorial by gigasoft on the April 9th, 2007 I know, I know, these days there’re too much ads on this site because of a bandwidth lack. Infact my current hosting allow me to manage “only” 10Gb per month and only yesterday I spent something like 6 Gb. So please, don’t be sicked for the ads, I need them to enlarge my bandwidth-limit and keep up this site for more than other 6 days GIMP TUTORIALS - TUTORIALS GIMP GIMP TUTORIAL - TUTORIAL GIMP

23 March 2007

GIMPShop 2.2.8

GIMPShop é uma modificação que deixa o editor de imagens gratuito GIMP com visual similar ao Photoshop. Dentre suas funções estão uma longa lista de características e customizações, principalmente na interface gráfica do programa, que modifica as estruturas dos menus e ajustes para deixar o software parecido com o editor de imagens da Adobe. O software trabalha apenas com os plugins do GIMP, não suportando os plugins para o Photoshop. A versão para Windows pode usar um plugin chamado Dweridifier( Clique aqui ), capaz de sobrepor várias janelas em apenas uma, como se uma só aplicação trabalhasse com múltiplas aplicações. A biblioteca GTK++ já está incluída no programa. Se você não conhecia o GIMP ou não o usava por ter se acostumado demais ao Photoshop, experimente esta ferramenta livre e gratuita e edite suas fotografias e imagens. GIMPShop dot Net

05 March 2007

03 March 2007

02 March 2007


by 33 others
gimp busca googleGIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages. This is the official GIMP web site. It contains information about downloading, installing, using, and enhancing it. This site also serves as a distribution point for the latest releases. We try to provide as much information about the GIMP community and related projects as possible. Hopefully you will find what you need here. Grab a properly chilled beverage and enjoy.