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September 2009

July 2009

June 2009

Cenon - Free Software; Support

Questions and Answers The Cenon FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) provides a collection of frequent questions and the corresponding answers. If you have a question, try looking there first. Cenon FAQ

Michael Sturgeon | Scribd

Michael.Sturgeon Cleveland, TN PhD Candidate (obsessing over it) I love to spend time traveling overseas. My favorite country so far is Ukraine. As odd as that sounds, I had to move there. As a Fulbright Senior Scholar I lived in Ukraine for six months as visiting lecturer during 2004 (time of the Orange Revolution)

A Guide to Inkscape - Web Site

by 3 others
Comments are welcomed. Send to tavmjong .at. free .dot. fr The Guide - Web Multiple versions are available: * For Inkscape 0.46. Other languages: Español, Français, Italian * For Inkscape 0.45.1 * For Inkscape 0.44.1. Other languages: Dutch * For Inkscape 0.43 For changes between Inkscape versions see: * 0.46 Release notes. * 0.45 Release notes. * 0.44 Release notes. Note on translating the guide.

Inkscape. Draw Freely.

User Documentation Inkscape Books Tavmjong Bah is writing a book on Inkscape, available here: or as a printed book or e-book from Lulu: A Guide to Inkscape. An international group of contributors is writing a new book licensed under GPL3 and published at FLOSS Manuals. Printed version will soon be available from Lulu. If you want to help writing it or make a localized version, please subscribe to inkscape-docs@ mailing list and tell us! There is also a book in French, written by Elisa de Castro Guerra: french Inkscape : Apprenez, pratiquez, créez. Additionally, there is a great book on SVG, which is a W3C standard which Inkscape relies on for storing its documents, called "Learn SVG: The Web Graphics Standard" and available in English and French.

Inkscape. Draw Freely.

Version 0.47 gallery/thumbs/inkscape-0.47-tweakaroo_thumb.png Several new modes in the Tweak tool - Move, Move In/Out, Move Jitter, Scale, Rotate, and Duplicate/Delete - make it possible to easily and naturally manipulate any number of separate objects, such as a tiling of clones. With a few soft brush strokes, you can turn a regular tiling into a freeform cloud, "power field," or even a complete drawing as in this example.

May 2009

sK1 Project

UniConvertor universal vector graphics translator UniConvertor is a universal vector graphics translator. It is a command line tool which uses sK1 object model to convert one format to another. Development of the import/export modules for this program goes through different stages, quality and feature coverage are different among formats. UniConvetor is used in Inkscape and Scribus projects as external tool for CorelDraw files importing.

sK1 Project

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sK1 Project

sK1 0.9 rev.335 snapshot source code and binary packages Source code tarball sK1-0.9.0-rev335.tar.gz 1143 kb Mandriva 2008 sK1-0.9.0-rev335-0.mdv2008.i586.rpm 1795 kb Ubuntu 7.10 sk1_0.9.0-rev335-1ubuntu10_i386.deb 1992 kb tcl/tk 8.5 packages for Ubuntu 7.10 tcl8.5_8.5.0-2ubuntu10_i386.deb 1516 kb tk8.5_8.5.0-3ubuntu10_i386.deb 1086 kb Installation guides for Ubuntu 7.10 You need installing following packages in this order: * tcl-8.5 * tk-8.5 * python-imaging * python-imaging-tk * python-liblcms And after that you can installing sK1 package. To run sK1 press Alt-F2 and type command "sk1" Many thanks to Oleksandr Moskalenko (Scribus team) for provided tcl/tk 8.5 packages!

sK1 Project

by 1 other (via)
sK1 illustration program About sK1 vector graphics editor sK1 is an open source vector graphics editor similar to CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, or Freehand. First of all sK1 is oriented for "prepress ready" PostScript & PDF output. The major sK1 features: * CMYK colorspace support * CMYK support in Postscript * Cairo-based engine * Color managment * Universal CDR importer (7-X3 versions) * Modern Ttk based (former Tile widgets) user interface

Estúdio Livre : sk1

sk1 Editor gráfico vetorial open source similar ao CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator e Freehand. sK1 é orientado a processamentos PostScript?.

xaraxtreme - Download

Xara Xtreme You can download a version of Xara Xtreme for Linux right now, which should work straight away on most Linux machines (note: this is not source code - you don't have to build it to try it, for source code look here). Development is progressing daily, so we provide two versions for download. The first is the recommended download because it will normally be the most stable. The second is the very latest, untested version, built and published automatically - the cutting edge version of Xara Xtreme, so at times it may be unstable. The easiest and recommended way to install Xara Xtreme on your system is to download and install the Autopackage archive (.package file). Click here for Autopackage installation instructions. Alternatively, download and unpack one of the tar archives (see tar archive instructions below). Xara Xtreme on Linux is now a working drawing tool. The archives below include the full Xara Xtreme help. Recommended version: » Download Xara Xtreme (version 0.7 Revision 1692) (Autopackage Archive - 19MB) » Download Xara Xtreme (version 0.7 Revision 1692) (Tar Bzip2 Archive - 19MB) Latest version (potentially unstable): » Download Xara Xtreme (version 0.7 Revision 1785 Built 07-Nov-07 3:00) (Autopackage Archive - 20MB) » Download Xara Xtreme (version 0.7 Revision 1785 Built 07-Nov-07 3:00) (Tar Bzip2 Archive - 19MB)