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August 2009

Classroom - FedoraProject

Contents [hide] * 1 Introduction * 2 Upcoming Classes * 3 Mailing List * 4 Help wanted * 5 Teaching a class o 5.1 Suggest a Class * 6 Classroom Archive o 6.1 Aug 05 (20090805) o 6.2 July 30 (20090730) o 6.3 July 21 (20090721) o 6.4 July 12 (20090712) o 6.5 June 7 (20090607) Introduction The Fedora Classroom is a project to teach interested users of Fedora how to better use, understand and manage their Distribution. Currently, All classes are held on IRC in the #fedora-classroom on If you are not familiar with IRC, see the Fedora IRC HowTo . If there is a session you would like to see, please suggest it and we'll do our best to accommodate the request.

June 2009

4.2. Networking

4.2. Networking DNSSEC The bind and unbound (recursive DNS servers) now enable DNSSEC validation in their default configuration. DNSSEC Lookaside Verification (DLV) is also enabled with the DLV Registry. This behavior can be modified in /etc/sysconfig/dnssec by changing the DNSSEC and DLV settings. With DNSSEC enabled, when a domain supplies DNSSEC data (such as .gov, .se, the ENUM zone and other TLD's) then that data will be cryptographically validated on the recursive DNS server. If validation fails due to attempts at cache poisoning, for example via a Kaminsky Attack, then the end user will not be given this forged/spoofed data. DNSSEC deployment is gaining speed rapidly, and is a crucial and logical step to make the Internet more secure for end users. DLV is used to add DNSSEC signed domains into TLD's that themselves are not yet signed, such as .com and .org. TigerVNC TigerVNC is used as default VNC project. Package names were changed to tigervnc, tigervnc-server and tigervnc-server-module. Binary names are the same as in previous versions. The module has been moved to the tigervnc-server-module subpackage. Otherwise there should be no difference.

4. Changes in Fedora for Desktop Users

4. Changes in Fedora for Desktop Users 4.1. Fedora Desktop 4.1.1. GNOME Gnome-panel Previously, users could move the gnome-panel to from one part of the desktop to another by clicking on the gnome-panel, dragging it to another location while holding down the mouse button, and releasing the mouse button. Now, users must also hold down a key on the keyboard while moving the gnome-panel. By default, this modifier key is the Alt key, but users may change it to any other key by using the windows preference tool (System>Preferences>Windows). This change in behavior greatly reduces the chances of a user accidentally moving the panel, and makes moving the gnome-panel the same as moving windows in GNOME.

Lançado o Fedora 11

Lançado o Fedora 11 Enviado por Rafael Gomes (rafaelgomesΘprojetofedora·org): “Depois de tanto esperar, é com enorme prazer, que o Projeto Fedora Brasil anuncia hoje o lançamento da décima primeira versão de uma das maiores e mais famosas distribuições GNU/Linux do mundo, conhecida por sua característica inovadora, sempre atuando na vanguarda da tecnologia. Antecipando-se à maioria das vezes no lançamento de novidades.

August 2008

Revista Fedora Brasil | Fedora Brasil - Site oficial do Projeto Fedora Brasileiro

Revista Fedora Brasil A Revista Fedora Brasil é uma iniciativa do Projeto Fedora Brasil para trazer à comunidade uma publicação bimestral com artigos escritos por especialistas da Comunidade e do Projeto.BAIXE A SUA!