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PUBLIC MARKS from sylvainulg with tags ubuntu & linux





[ubuntu] Problem with volume control pulse audio not starting

Got the issue this lunch. rebuilding alsa with module-assistant was simple and did the trick. I used mplayer -ao oss mod_of_the_week.ogg to validate my sound hardware was still working properly. The issue is most likely in pulseaudio: re-installing it afterwards killed alsa sound again.


/usr/bin/cal changelog

since the upgrade to lucid lynx, my computer throws "cal: option requires an argument -- 'm'" at me when I invoke "cal -m" to specify I'd love to have the week starting on monday. ""Proper" honoring of LC_TIME mixing it with command line options" says the changelog. I spot that those LC_* settings are actually pointing the library towards a data chunk located in /usr/lib/locale/<language setting, e.g. en_DK.utf8>/<subset, e.g. LC_TIME, LC_MONETARY, etc.>

[SOLVED] Failed to load module "" - Ubuntu Forums

If you ever wondered, things independent from your actual window manager / desktop environment are stored in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/*


Gérer les services lancés au démarrage en mode console | Quercy Libre

à creuser ... pour ceux qui se demandent ce qui s'est passé avec leurs S20personalFirewallScript sous ubuntu


[SOLVED] Can't open remote files in the GIMP - Ubuntu Forums

you gave an URL in "open location box" and it gave out a cryptic error message ? make sure you have gimp-gnomevfs installed (affects gutsy).

User Guide/Organize - F-Spot

the perfect gnome tool to master your photo collection (?)

Top Best 50 Ubuntu Opensource Applications For Design And Developing

by 7 others
nice vector drawing programs suggested. /me wanted to add wings3D and tomboy to the list (see comment)


Upgrade Ubuntu Dapper to Ubuntu Edgy Eft -- Debian Admin

by 1 other (via)
my Breezy Badger is almost obsolete, now ... i'll need to upgrade quite soon :-/


Prelinking Guide- Make Ubuntu Feel Faster - Ubuntu Forums

a guide on installing "prelink", a tool for speeding up linux binaries.