public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags tagging &


Welcome to Zigtag - an intelligent, semantic, social tagging and bookmarking service

by 4 others
Zigtag is a revolutionary new semantic, social tagging service that allows you to save your favorite websites, see what your friends are tagging, and find the sites you're really looking for!

Will We See Delicious 2.0 This Week?

It’s been four and a half months since Yahoo first previewed Delicious 2.0. We’ve heard not a peep from them since as to when it might launch publicly and replace the existing, somewhat dated interface.


TopTaggers -- top taggers guide you to the latest and greatest on the web users who bookmark helpful/timely links with meaningful tags (as evidenced by others subsequently doing the same) are rewarded with free advertising, influence on search rankings, and recognition as experts. TopTaggers uses only the last 30 da stats - deli.ckoma

by 3 others
Statistic data on number of posts per day. A post is a bookmark a user adds to his collection.Statistic data on number of tags per post. The y-axis depicts how many posts exist with a certain number of tags.

Jon Udell: language evolution in

by 3 others
screencast of tagging and how it works... very good!

34 Resources on Complete List of Tools and Utilities for  - Listible!

by 3 others
created by drewly on January 27, 2006 11:24 PM is a very powerful social bookmarking tool. Let's list all of the available tools for that make it more powerful and easy to use.

The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users » Slacker Manager

by 24 others
Habit Five: Stalk other users After tracking a few things for a while, you’ll start to wonder where a particular user gets all their interesting bookmarks. Maybe they’re connected, or maybe they’re just copying someone else who is connected. Either tag search {}

This form allows you to look up links that are tagged with one or more subjects. Example: entering art and design brings you to the url which has links to pages about both art and design. (Of course, you ca

Search & Browsing | Outfoxed

Outfoxed augments the normal search rankings with reports from your informer network, which enhances searching by solving two important problems. The first problem is the phenomena of Google Bombing. Days when the number of incoming links to a page could

Tags - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by 1 other
Although "tagging" is often promented as an alternative to organization by a hierarchy of categories, more and more online resources seem to use a hybrid system, where items are organized into broad categories, with finer classification distinctions being