public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags startup & walhus

April 2007

Software For Virtual Teams

more and more companies are going virtual. The answer to long commutes, inner city traffic, tapping into creative minds in other geographies and combating global warming is: a 'work from home' policy.

November 2006

For Start-Ups, Web Success on the Cheap - New York Times

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8 — When Seth J. Sternberg and two colleagues started Meebo, a Web-based instant-messaging service, they didn’t go looking for venture capitalists. Using their credit cards, they financed the company themselves to the tune of $2,00

October 2006

Small Companies & Google Adsense is the future « The Paradigm Shift

It amazes me to think that my 1 person company is able to compete at a level where all the competitors have 600+ servers, and 300+ full time staff. I feel like I am ahead of my time, and when I look around at the companies out there today I have a hard ti