public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags software & social

April 2008

About JD Lasica

J.D. Lasica is one of the world's leading authorities on social media and the revolution in user-created media. A writer, strategist, blogger and consultant, he is the co-founder and editorial director of, president of the Social Media Group

November 2007

Nine Ways to Build Your Own Social Network

by 4 others
We have taken a sample of nine of these companies - Ning, KickApps, CrowdVine, GoingOn, CollectiveX,, PeopleAggregator, Haystack, and ONEsite - all of which provide free baseline services, and reviewed them individually below

May 2007


Put a sticky note on any webpage. Highlight some quote on a webpage. Automatically post them as your Twitter status (including the URL).

April 2007

Slifeshare | Share your digital life

by 1 other
Slifeshare is an online space where you share your digital life activities such as browsing the web and listening to music with your friends, family or anyone you care about.