public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags list & twitter

May 2008

The Most Popular Twitter Apps According to the Blogosphere - ReadWriteWeb

which Twitter clients are getting the most buzz on blogs. The result is a list of the most popular 3rd-party Twitter-apps according to the blogosphere. @steverubel This is a guest post from Anton Johansson, a business developer at the Swedish startup Twi

March 2008

Twitter Tools, Tweaks and Theories: TypePad Hacks

reviews of 26 powerful tools you can use to make Twitter do all kinds of groovy things

January 2008

7 Twitters Of The World

Twitter: easy to love, easy to clone. The first startup a young, aspiring web developer might want to try and build will probably be some version of Twitter, which can clearly be seen from all the local/regional Twitter clones we’re encountering every d

July 2007

Top 10 Twitter Apps

by 1 other
FranticIndustries and the Twitter Fan Wiki together present a comprehensive list of Twitter mash-ups and extensions. But what to try first? Here's our selection of the most interesting and practical Twitters apps. 1. Twitter Atlas

May 2007

Shankar Ganesh | Tech Blog » Blog Archive » Twitter Greasemonkey Scripts Collection

I’ve been using Twitter for the past few days and I’m hooked. I searched for some Greasemonkey scripts for twitter and found these.

April 2007

#!/usr/bin/geek: 79 Links That Rock Twitter! What are you doing?

I've compiled this list of Twitter programs, clients, scripts, and web sites that take Twitter even further.

All Twitter tools and mashups in one place - franticindustries.

huge number of Twitter-related tools and mashups has been impossible to ignore. Instead of writing a new entry every time a new one appears, it’s much more convenient for the readers it they’re all in one big categorized list. *note: this list will be