public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags links & springnet

May 2008

100+ Open Courseware Collections for Aspiring Web Devs - Web Hosting Unleashed

free tutorials and collections from top universities and well-respected websites to train you in areas like web design, graphics and imaging, programming and coding, multimedia, connecting with your audience, and even learning freelancing and entrepreneur

January 2008

12 Podcasts for the Creative Class

Here are 12 must-listen-to podcasts for creative knowledge workers--those entrepreneurial spirits who start and staff the most innovative, fast-growing companies.

OVGuide: Online Video Guide - It's what's ON the Web

site recommended by a friend on jtv... the ultimate guide to online video... it's what's on baby

April 2007

#!/usr/bin/geek: 79 Links That Rock Twitter! What are you doing?

I've compiled this list of Twitter programs, clients, scripts, and web sites that take Twitter even further.

November 2006

All Things Web 2.0 - Home

by 24 others
All Things Web 2.0 - The Directory "portalizes" the original post content -- so now the Web 2.0 Community itself can keep the directory content current -- as well as enhance its usefulness for everyone -- through incremental community knowledge aggregatio

October 2006

September 2006