public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags blogs & 2008

18 March 2008

Utterz - Get Started

With Utterz, you can instantly share your news by creating a multi-media posting in voice, video, picture and text, right from your mobile phone, or online. It's fast and simple, free, and works with every phone, on every carrier.

Rudy Jahchan

Casey Mckinnon's show producer and videographer writer, directory, coder, hack and a "walking media production house" shows include Galacticast, a Comicbook Orange, and Kitkast

12 March 2008

The Social - CNET

Caroline McCarthy's sxsw blog . . . see also my video of Caroline performing as a rock star at Austin's Cedar Street Courtyard along with Leah Culver, Zadi Diaz, Veronica Belmont and Casey Mckinnon

06 March 2008

A Photo A Day

is a personal project of mine to keep me motivated over the next year to shoot more and publish more. Not everything here will be new but it will all be shot by me. More of my work can be found at JPG Magazine or my SmugMug Galleries.

Doug March » Design, Development and Music Intelligence

With today being Super Tuesday, two days after Super Sunday and the same day as Mardi Gras we thought it would be good to make some updates to politweets.

Perfect Porridge — Music, Minneapolis, Mutiny

Here’s Tristan Prettyman’s cover of the song “New Soul.” You’ll probably recognize it from the Macbook Air commercial.