public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags aggregator & daily

June 2008

April 2008


by 10 others
social aggregator that ties together twitter, facebook, and other rss feeds. It's going to eventually aggregate a whole lot.

March 2008

Social Media

they've got all the social media covered, Scoble, Mashable, ReadWriteWeb,, pr2.0, tantek, emily chang, horsepigcow and more

February 2008


This may be better than digg at digg's own game.

January 2008


by 2 others
Apparently the deal with this card is that you slide it into your iPhone and it somehow magically hardware unlocks your iPhone. I am not an electrical engineer, so I can’t tell you how well this thing will work, but if I had to guess, it won’t.

December 2007™ - The Next Big Thing on the Internet is here. You pick it

by 8 others
review 30+ internet startups per working day. Vote for the one you think will be a killer. Vote for eh!

November 2007

trendalicious v2.0

by 1 other
trendalicious is a real-time ranking of the 100 most popular web pages as reflected by, digg, and reddit. URLs posted to those sites are collected and ranked by their total number of votes or links.

October 2007

Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters

by 103 others
A million Facebook users have signed up for the "1,000,000 Strong for Stephen T Colbert" group in the last week — though the group could be read as a satire of Barack Obama's similarly-named group, which has fewer than 400,000 members after 9 months.

July 2007 what's new online

by 62 others, 1 comment
reddit is a source for what's new and popular online. reddit learns what you like as you vote on existing links or submit your own!

April 2007

Mashable! - The Social Networking Blog

by 29 others
social networking blog with news of the latest developments. Top notch site.

January 2007

OVGuide - Online Video Guide.

by 3 others
ONLINE VIDEO GUIDE ( ) If you've watched all of YouTube's hundred-million-and-counting videos and still have some time to spare, unglue your eyes from the computer monitor, get up, stretch, and then come back and check out this site. Online V