public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags SocialNetworking & socialsoftware

April 2008

iminta - what are you inta?

Iminta has a cool thing going for it: you can put your followers in groups and specify which group sees what... I really like the idea of variable resolution for social feeds. Still in beta as of 3/16/08

November 2007

Who's Using It? - OpenSocial - Google Code

bebo, currenttv, friendster, imeem, myspace, netvibes, ning, orkut, paypal, plaxo, slide, xing, etc. are all opensocial launch partners

September 2007

June 2007

May 2007

Web Strategy by Jeremiah » List of “White Label” (Applications you can Rebrand) Social Networking Platforms

by 1 other
Here’s a list of Social Networking platforms, or suites that you could take and rebrand. There are a dizzying number of these listed by my twitter friend Jeremiah Owyang