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March 2008

Darren Hoyt Dot Com » Blog

by 1 other
Premium Themes Should Advance the Wordpress Community

Performancing WordPress Themes » The world’s best free wordpress themes

by 1 other
themes for wordpress: college, tis the season redbook and performancing (very nice)

February 2008

51 Creative RSS Buttons » Jeffro2pt0

Bloggers Journey has an interesting post today which is nothing more than 51 different RSS buttons that you can use on your blog. They range from the typical RSS orange square to the huge RSS orb. Do you find it weird that I don’t have any big orange RS

Migrate a WordPress site to Drupal | Adding Understanding

Recently I've been helping a few folks migrate websites from WordPress to Drupal. Presently this works for migrating to Drupal 5 so if you want a Drupal 6 site first migrate to Drupal 5 and then upgrade the site to Drupal 6.

wordTube at alex.rabe

playlist demo of several media files. wordTube supports streaming video format (Format .flv or .swf), sound files as MP3 and JPG, GIF or PNG grafic files. With wordTube you insert it into your blog with the tag [MEDIA=ID] or as playlist [MYPLAYLIST=ID].

January 2008

Emma Alvarez Site: Top Best 50 Blogger & Wordpress Customizations Tips ( Hacks )

Dynamic Slideshow In Header, A demo can be seen here. This makes a slideshow for the header, making your blog interesting and dynamic.

Cutline - Links Menu

great wordpress theme, I'm using this on and other blogs