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PUBLIC MARKS from rrhobbs with tags film & hollywood


Hollywood In Crisis

Hollywood In Crisis #LAPD wants to take over by mandating that film work be done by active duty police officers on overtime work details. #HollywoodInCrisis


by 1 other | “Connecting Hollywood with its Audience”

Answer B!tch Film Locations at

"Are the houses used in movies and on TV rented out, or do the celebrities use their own homes? - Lynda, Wood-Ridge, New Jersey"

SOS Filmworks at

"SOS Filmworks, part of Agua Dulce Movie Ranch, is a very unique filming location in the Agua Dulce, CA area in southern California."

Strike Over at

"The WGA Writers Strike is officially over, as reported by The Economist:"

WGA Strike | Beginning of the End? at

"Positive Sign Or Picket Sign? | WGA Slates Weekend Meetings For Members; Fingers Crossed For Strike Settlement"

Writers Strike Latest on

Wikipedia says the 2007-2008 WGA Writers Strike has cost $1b | “The current strike has lasted 13 weeks and 1 day, as of February 5, 2008. The last such strike in 1988 lasted 21 weeks and 6 days, costing the American entertainment industry an estimated $500 million ($870 million in 2007 dollars).

Film Scouts Interview - Lawrence Bender / Good Will Hunting at

Film Scouts Interview - Lawrence Bender / Good Will Hunting at

Trigger Street

Trigger Street | From Trigger Street - About Us | “Trigger Street Productions, Inc., was formed in 1997 by Kevin Spacey to develop and produce entertainment in a variety of mediums.

Movie Locations Guide: Maps and Directions to Filming Locations

This website aims to provide you with Maps and Directions of famous filming locations, giving you the ability to go and see these locations for yourself.