public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from philippej with tags google & geographie


by 3 others (via)
Exemple d'application utilisant Tiny Geo-coder : "... a really simple way to get a map or a route without first visiting Google Maps... ". Pratique et rapide pour aller de Paris jusqu'à Nice.

Tiny Geo-coder

by 6 others (via)
Un moyen en effet très rapide de retrouver la latitude et la longitude d'une localisation dans une application.


Return Latitude and Longitude Fast with Google Maps

by 1 other
« Whenever you require a location coordinates on a google map click the bookmark and a prompt box displays the in latitude and longitude. »

Jotle (beta)

« Google Maps + Wikimapia + Placeopedia + Flickr + YouTube = Jotle ! »


KML from Google spreadsheets. Revolution?

« ... produce KML from a Google Spreadsheet. »

KML on Google Maps

« To view a KML or KMZ file on Maps, just go to Google Maps, and instead of searching for a geographical address like 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, 94043, search for a complete Web address (including the "http://" part) of your KMZ file, like »

Life of a Geolocated Blog Post

by 1 other (via)
« View entire photo sets as self-contained KMZ files in Google Maps »

IGN Géoportail in 3D with Google Earth

« ... a small software I made, called GEopochi, which brings the IGN Géoportail data into GE (version 4 and above only), by acting as a proxy between the 2. »

by 4 others (via) but for Maps (see also

GPSVisualizer Supports New Google Earth 4 Time Support

« ... use GPSVisualizer to make your own time stamped GPS track... »

Rapid Reporting for Rapid Response

« ... a proof of concept whereby you email placemarks to a content management system and then have them appear automatically in Google Earth via a network link. »


by 1 other (via)
« Meta maps mashup »

Google maps vs. Yahoo! maps

Google maps et Yahoo maps côte à côte.

How to use a Spreadsheet and GE

" can a Spreadsheet be used to build a huge kml file, with thousands of placemarks in an very fast way."


by 5 others
GoogleMaps + Wikipedia = "Let's describe the whole Earth !"

How to make a GeoRSS from RSS

" to turn any RSS feed (that contains datelines or placenames) into a [Google Earth] KML network link".


"...register your GoogleEarth tour and save it as AVI movie"

Google Maps Geocoding

by 2 others
"The Google Maps API now supports geocoding for the US, Canada, Japan, France, Italy, Germany and Spain."

Pin in the map

by 2 others
"TinyURL for location on Google Maps and Google Earth : mark a spot, attach text, send to others."

Using the New 3D Warehouse Network Link

Un moyen de trouver les modèles SketchUp qui ont été placés sur la vue courante de Google Earth.

2001 Space Odyssey on Google Earth

"It so realistic, it's almost painful not to have it rotate." So true.

Google Maps Europe ?

Quelques pistes qui pourraient signifier que Google pourrait bientôt étendre sa couverture des routes européennes.

Google Maps V2.41 dual map

" example trying to show the new GOverviewMapControl(), which was introduced in the Google Maps API alpha v2.41."


by 1 other
"Google Maps PHP Library".



Google News + Google Maps : une autre manière visualiser l'information.