public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags webdesign & dev



Planning a Semantic Web site

The Semantic Web brings with it the opportunities for users to get smarter search results, and for site owners to get more targeted traffic as users find what they really want. But these benefits don't just magically appear. This article leads you through the aspects of both information architecture and general infrastructure you need in place to truly take advantage of this burgeoning opportunity.


L'accessibilité des menus de navigation en cascade

by 1 other
Il n'est pas interdit d'utiliser les menus en cascade, mais il est fortement recommandé de bien réfléchir sur la pertinence réelle de la mise en place de ce type de navigation. Surtout, n'utilisez jamais plus d'un niveau (menu > sous-menu). Assurez-vous également que les éléments du menu qui déroulent soient facilement identifiables par l'utilisateur, afin qu'il ne les confonde pas avec d'autres éléments qui ne déroulent pas.

Témoignage : Roll over sur un tableau

Appliquer un roll-over sur les lignes d'un tableau permet de rendre celui-ci plus lisible. Au passage de la souris sur le tableau la ligne se met en surbrillance. Très utile lorsque le tableau est composé de beaucoup de lignes et de colonnes.


Tim Berners Lee a crée une nouvelle discipline appelé “Web Science” (au M.I.T.) qui se compose de professeurs, de scientifiques, de sociologues et d’entrepreneurs du monde entier. » Adobe prépare un outil de création d’interfaces riches

Thermo pourrait potentiellement devenir l’arme ultime pour faire du prototypage rapide d’interfaces riches.

blueprintcss - Google Code

by 22 others (via)
Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your CSS development time. It gives you a solid CSS foundation to build your project on top of, with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, and even a stylesheet for printing.

URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST

by 4 others
An important principle of Web architecture is that all important resources be identifiable by URI. The finding discusses the relationship between the URI addressability of a resource and the choice between HTTP GET and POST methods with HTTP URIs. HTTP GET promotes URI addressability so, designers should adopt it for safe operations such as simple queries. POST is appropriate for other types of applications where a user request has the potential to change the state of the resource (or of related resources). The finding explains how to choose between HTTP GET and POST for an application taking into account architectural, security, and practical considerations.



by 9 others
icon set that allows for CSS-based coloring and framing. The icon design is exactly the same, the only thing missing is a background - allowing you to set it to any color you so desire.

UrlParams | Firefox Add-ons | Mozilla Corporation

by 2 others
Shows you the GET and POST parameters of the current website in the sidebar. You can alter their values, add new parameters, switch get/post and more.

Styling Checkbox and Radio Graphics With Only CSS

by 11 others
Attention: solution ne fonctionnant pas dans IE6.0


Rico - Home

by 28 others (via)
JavaScript for Rich Internet Applications. An open-source JavaScript library for creating rich internet applications. Rico provides full Ajax support, drag and drop management and a cinematics effects library.

Utiliser des formulaires WYSIWYG - JDN Développeurs

Une liste d'éditeur HTML Wysiwig... dont certains gratuits.


by 12 others
Zope enables teams to collaborate in the creation and management of dynamic web-based business applications such as intranets and portals. It makes it easy to build features such as site search, news, personalization, and e-commerce into your web applis.