public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags standards & ie

October 2005

The Web Standards Project

Whether you're interested in helping the IE development team or not, consider this: a review of your code could help to clean out some bad CSS hacks, and to identify where good CSS hacks could be used instead

[] Internet Explorer est le Netscape 4 moderne

Pourquoi ce site a-t-il une présentation différente sous Internet Explorer et sous un navigateur moderne ? Parce qu’à un moment ou à un autre, il faut apprendre à lâcher prise.

July 2005

Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla

by 13 others (via)
Ever have trouble getting your Internet Explorer-specific Web applications to work with Mozilla? This article covers common issues associated with migrating applications to the open source Mozilla-based browser. You'll first learn basic cross-browser development techniques, and then develop strategies for overcoming the differences between Mozilla and Internet Explorer.