public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags javascript & standard


Ambilight for video tag

Le même effet d'une TV Philips en pur JavaScript. Nécessite un navigateur moderne...

Ceci n'est pas du Flash ou du Silverlight

by 1 other, 1 comment
Voilà ce qu'on arrive aujourd'hui à faire en utilisant les standards du Web. A condition d'avoir un navigateur qui les supporte...


ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet Applications - MDC

by 1 other
ARIA, formerly known as DHTML accessibility, is a standard being developed at W3C - World Wide Web Consortium


XRAY :: for web developers

by 15 others
XRAY is a bookmarklet for Safari, Firefox, Camino or Mozilla. Use it to see the box model for any element.

presentacular - Adding effects to S5 with

by 17 others (via)
Presentacular adds visual effects to slide shows created with S5. It has the same advantages than S5 for creating slide shows: printer-friendly version, simple and semantic markup and portable across the most modern browsers.

swfIR: swf Image Replacement

by 25 others
swfIR (swf Image Replacement) is here to solve some of the design limitations of the standard HTML image and its widely-accepted associated CSS values, while still supporting standards-based design concepts. Using the dark arts of JavaScript and Flash, swfIR gives you the ability to apply an assortment of visual effects to any or all images on your website. Through progressive enhancement, it looks through your page and can easily add some new flavor to standard image styling.

JonDesign's (Javascript) SmoothGallery: Mootools Mojo for Images | What is it ?

by 11 others
Using mootools v1.0, this javascript gallery and slideshow system allows you to have simple and smooth (cross-fading...) image galleries, slideshows, showcases and other cool stuff on your website...