public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from naner with tags development & help

26 June 2006

21 June 2006


by 4 others
Google Page Creator is a free online tool that makes it easy for anyone to create and publish useful, attractive web pages in just minutes. Build high-quality web pages without having to learn HTML or use complex software. Edit your pages right in your br

20 June 2006

19 June 2006

Top 10 Web Developer Libraries - Cameron Olthuis

by 20 others
Libraries can be a web developers best friend. They are great resources to learn from and can save hours and hours of time. These libraries include JavaScript, Ajax, Colors, PHP, and CSS. These should be in any web developers bookmarks, so go ahead and lo

YOUR MONEY; Advice to All You Graduates: Let's Start With That Daily Latte - Free Preview - The New York Times

The season for giving advice to graduates as they enter the workplace. Instead of listening to yet another recitation of the usual admonishments to ''change the world,'' ''carpe diem,'' or ''wear sunscreen,'' those graduates -- unless they are already tra

Ron's Guide - Free Webmaster Resources

by 1 other
A computer languages tutorial : HTML / CSS / PHP / JavaScript / Suggest / Submit Ron's Guide also offers free registration to its visitors. Being a member allows you to access extra features such as the ability to post comments, rate tutorials, modify

18 June 2006

15 June 2006

Fun Fun Fun with Google

We're here to help you shop smarter, not harder! From cleansers to moisturizing lotions, everyone's experiences with personal products are, well, *personal!*. Share your product experience reviews at themintpages with people like you. Visit our blog for n

Intuitive site design is so much more than 'just a pretty face'.

Granted, the design (pretty face) is usually the first thing a viewer sees, but.... experience clearly shows that Design alone is not enough.

Tips For Maintaining a Blog

After starting it, a blog wants to be maintained. It wants fresh posts or articles. It wants it often. And not just anything will do; it wants things people like to read.