public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from marco with tags css & w3c




Signal to noise

Some people seem to think that Opera's recent legal action against Microsoft will cause relations in the CSS Working Group to deteriorate and thereby damage our group's ability to function

CSS Unworking Group | Malarkey Rides Again

I propose [...] that browser vendors instead form a Technical Advisory Group that is attached to the new CSS Working Group. Their role should be to advise on the technical limitations or requirements of the proposals that the new group creates

The Future of Style - W3C

by 1 other
The Future of Style aggregates posts from various blogs that talk about the development of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Andy Budd::Blogography: CSS2.2

If CSS3 is as big and complicated as the development timeline suggests, maybe we need something simpler? Something that gives us designers and developers the tools we need today, and not the tools we need in five or ten years


Le W3C fête les dix ans de CSS

Les feuilles de style en cascade ont vraiment modifié le visage du Web