public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags shopping & social

January 2006

Treehugger Blog

by 5 others
a fast-growing web magazine, dedicated to everything that has a modern aesthetic yet is environmentally responsible. Our influential audience stops by frequently to check out the latest news, reviews and recommendations for modern yet green products and s

December 2005

November 2005

My Kaboodle - Create Kaboodle pages to help you comparison shop, plan vacations, make your top 10 lists, or just organize your research.

by 10 others
Capture anything you find on the web with one click - Our powerful information extraction technology summarizes the page for you - Your information is organized on a single Kaboodle page that is easy to share - Every item on the page allows for easy ranki

Yelp: Maptastic

by 3 others
search for restaurants and it shows all the restaurants using Google Maps. The super cool part is as you zoom in/out or pan through the map, the results automatically update to only show results that are viewable on the current map.

October 2005