public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags scripting & to-read*

January 2006

December 2005

How To Build a Minimal Linux System from Source Code

These are instructions for building a minimal linux system from source code. It used to be part of From PowerUp to Bash Prompt but I've separated it to keep both documents short and focussed. The system we build here is very minimal, and not ready for rea

From Power Up To Bash Prompt

a brief description of what happens in a Linux system, from the time that you turn on the power, to the time that you log in and get a bash prompt. Understanding this will be helpful when you need to solve problems or configure your system.

November 2005

GTDTiddlyWiki Blog - your simple client side wiki

by 27 others
is a GettingThingsDone adaptation by NathanBowers of JeremyRuston's Open Source TiddlyWiki. The purpose of GTD Tiddly Wiki is to give users a single repository for their GTD lists and support materials so they can create/edit lists, and then print directl