public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags ajax & ***

07 February 2006

A Short Tutorial on XMLHttpRequest

by 1 other
how to build a web page that responds to asynchronous events. In five simple exercises, we'll show you the core of an Asychronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX) application. You'll have to learn a little JavaScript, but there's no requirement to learn anything

22 January 2006

30 December 2005

Web2Linux - Open Source isn’t just for geeks anymore

This blog is intended to provide news and information about the latest trend on the internet, Web 2.0 as well as Ajax and other emerging or ‘hot’ new ways of developing cyberspace.

26 December 2005

20 December 2005

DojoToolkit Home - Open Source JavaScript toolkit. Clientside Javascript To Download

by 67 others
ajax web2.0 + a comprehensive set of libraries for JavaScript, from which you can mix-and-match to suit the needs of your application. JavaScript functions and utilities that can be used independently of each other. The package system binds them together