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PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags ***to-read*** & articles

February 2006

QTParted - linux partitions

bootable Linux distribution that comes in the form of a CD or DVD can be a lifesaver when your computer goes awry. In this feature, we guide you through the process of fixing Windows with Knoppix, which includes resizing Windows partitions, solving key sy

January 2006

articles to read*

Damn Small Linux frugal install. Linux Live CDs.

December 2005

Linux Magazine: Power Tools

presents the widest and most in-depth coverage of everything Linux. From the depths of the kernel to the desktop and spanning all layers of the Linux/Apache/MySQL/Perl-Python-PHP stack, each month's Linux Magazine offers pragmatic, insightful, and solutio

Linux Magazine: Perls of Wisdom

presents the widest and most in-depth coverage of everything Linux. From the depths of the kernel to the desktop and spanning all layers of the Linux/Apache/MySQL/Perl-Python-PHP stack, each month's Linux Magazine offers pragmatic, insightful, and solutio

Linux Magazine: Topics

presents the widest and most in-depth coverage of everything Linux. From the depths of the kernel to the desktop and spanning all layers of the Linux/Apache/MySQL/Perl-Python-PHP stack, each month's Linux Magazine offers pragmatic, insightful, and solutio

HOW TO: Increase Firefox’s Page Rendering Speed

About Configure: network.dns.disableIPv6 - Disabled - Toggled to True. - Default Toggle Back To False.

What's Next for Next-Generation Apps

Don Box is an architect assigned to the 'Indigo' project at Microsoft, where he is working on next-generation Web services protocols and plumbing.

The future of HTML, Part 1: WHATWG

by 1 other
the future of HTML. what it will mean to Web authors, browser and developers. incremental approach embodied by the WHATWG specifications. radical cleanup of XHTML proposed by the W3C. an overview of the W3C's new Rich Client Activity.

~bluesmoon: The new developer - javascript (or ECMAscript really) is easily turning into the most powerful and flexible languages around.

Livejournal User - The future is not with the Ruby, PHP, Python or framework guys. The future is with the guys who are resourceful from the point of designing database schemas, encapsulations in C++ or any other back end language, business logic in a web

Expanding Linux Partitions with LVM - FedoraNEWS.ORG

We're going to backup our home folder with tar, since we want the permissions to be kept as they are. BACK UP TO CD