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PUBLIC MARKS from kasi77 with tag software


Exploring the software behind Facebook, the world’s largest site | Royal Pingdom

by 1 other
Facebook still uses PHP, but it has built a compiler for it so it can be turned into native code on its web servers, thus boosting performance.

When automatic software updates go horribly wrong | Royal Pingdom

McAfee had a nasty surprise in store for their customers a couple of weeks ago. An automatic update to its antivirus software suddenly pointed out a system-critical file in Windows XP as malicious. The result was that the file was removed, and Windows XP stopped working.

Design Patterns and Refactoring

by 1 other
SourceMaking — is the best information source on the Web on such software development topics as design patterns, refactoring and UML. A lot of information freely available through the site's pages, so feel free to use bookmarklet to leave interesting chapters for further reading. You may start browsing the site by following one of these topics:


10 historical software bugs with extreme consequences | Royal Pingdom

One of the latest software errors that had widely noticed consequences was Google’s Gmail outage in February. The problem in that case was, according to Google, a bug in the software that distributed load between its different data centers. The Gmail outage only resulted in people not having access to their email for a few hours. No one got killed. Nothing exploded. It was an inconvenience, and while it was a significant inconvenience for some of Gmail’s users, it was still just that: an inconvenience. This article is about some of the more dire consequences of software errors through the years. Incidents that make the Gmail outage seem rather trivial.


Royal Pingdom » Forget about hacking - your servers might get stolen

When it comes to security, there is often a focus on the software side, thwarting hackers and other virtual threats such as viruses and worms. When it comes to uptime and availability, focus often rests on redundant power, clustering, and other similar strategies. We often forget about something that can put a stop to any operation: good, old-fashioned, real-life robbery.


What is Conflict? Conflict notifies a software developer of potential conflicts between his/her work and that of other developers, before the commit. Conflict is an open source project composed of two parts: Conflict clients and a Conflict server. A Conflict client is a transparent process running on the workstation of each developer. It stays in the background, reporting local file system changes to the Conflict server. When the Conflict server detects a conflict between two or more developers, each developer is notified. The Conflict project improves feedback and communication while encouraging developers to check in code frequently.

Scalable BLOB Streaming Infrastructure for MySQL

The Scalable BLOB Streaming infrastructure for MySQL will transform MySQL into a scalable media server capable of streaming pictures, films, MP3 files and other binary and text objects (BLOBs) directly in and out of the database. On this site you will find all information relating to the ongoing activities of this project. The development is led by PrimeBase Technologies,, an open source software company. PrimeBase Technologies, together with the support of MySQL AB, is also the main sponsor of the implementation of this technology.


by 4 others
Firecookie is a an extension for Firebug that makes possible to view and manage cookies in your browser. Apart from all the other cookie managers and viewers available as Firefox extensions, this one is made as an extension for Firebug, so web developer has the functionality accessible within familiar Firebug’s UI.


Zamzar - Free online file conversion

by 90 others
Have you ever wanted to convert files without the need to download software ?

Capture Me Screen Capture Software for Mac OS X

Capture Me is a screen capture utility for Mac OS X which features a floating capture window and resize ability. To use the program, drag and resize the floating window to cover the area you want to capture. Then click in the window to capture the screenshot. You can resize it, copy it to the clipboard, and save it in a variety of formats and locations. Its behavior is customizable with respect to what happens after a capture. What advantage does Capture Me hold over the built in OS X screencapture facility? For some tasks, the answer is simple - there is none - the built in capture is elegant and easy to use. However, there are occasions when it's nice to be able to choose what file format your capture saves in, copy it to the clipboard without holding down four keys at once, or resize it on the fly. It's also common to want to take successive shots of the exact same position on the screen without moving the capture region at all, or make all your captures the same size. These tasks are trivial with Capture Me, but difficult at best with the built in utilities. Another possible use is as a floating capture pad - see the comments in the review section for an example of one user who does this.


Observes filesystem changes using the same underlying API as Spotlight. Provides a graphical representation of the file activity. Example use could be to determine what files are changed via software installation, preferences, etc. Requires admin access & will only work on Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger".


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antivirus +   api +   blob +   blog +   bug +   client +   code +   collaboration +   conversion +   convert +   Cookie +   debug +   design +   drm +   ecran +   email +   extension +   facebook +   file +   file system +   firefox +   format +   free +   gmail +   google +   groupe:clever-age +   it +   itunes +   linux +   load +   mac +   macosx +   movie +   mysql +   online +   open source +   productivity +   Robbery +   screen capture +   screen recorder +   screen shot +   security +   site +   spotlight +   web +   wiki +