public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jpcaruana with tags it & agile

April 2010


We believe Agile software development is being dumbed down, commodified, and is losing its spirit. We seek to replace the current name with one having two virtues: first, that it capture more exactly the attitudes originally behind Agile; second, that it be obscure enough that no one will assume they already know what it means and that—amazingly enough!—they are already doing it.

October 2009

March 2009

Agile development is more culture than process and why thinking of agile as culture and not just process explains resistance and difficulty in teaching and learning the approach

Why thinking of agile as culture and not just process explains resistance and difficulty in teaching and learning the approach

jpcaruana's TAGS related to tag it

agile +   blog +   ebook +   le futur est en marche +