public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tags privacy & data

October 2015

What's Your Algorithmic Citizenship? | Citizen Ex

Every time you connect to the internet, you pass through time, space, and law. Information is sent out from your computer all over the world, and sent back from there. This information is stored and tracked in multiple locations, and used to make decisions about you, and determine your rights. These decisions are made by people, companies, countries and machines, in many countries and legal jurisdictions. Citizen Ex shows you where those places are. Your Algorithmic Citizenship is how you appear to the internet, as a collection of data extending across many nations, with a different citizenship and different rights in every place. One day perhaps we will all live like we do on the internet. Until then, there's Citizen Ex.

July 2014

Off Grid

Off Grid is an adventure, satire and stealth game about a mishap antihero. You play an everyman pencil pusher, who is oblivious to the city's prying and spying, corporate-sponsored government until a series of dark events unfold. The contemporary storyline follows real-world events surrounding data privacy, and gameplay utilises unique mechanics that allow you to manipulate the world and people around you with the data they unwittingly leave behind.

May 2014


Journalists warned system owners and Norwegian NSA of 2500 critical data flaws. How two journalists set out on a mission to test the data security in the whole of Norway.

Ownership of personal data still appears up for grabs - Los Angeles Times

The White House reiterated its call last week for greater protection of people's personal info — two years after proposing a "privacy bill of rights" that went nowhere in Congress.

Recherche confiance, désespérément ! | Meta-media | La révolution de l'information

L’après Snowden : la surveillance de masse n’est plus de la science fiction, mais un problème social et politique à résoudre

Confessions of a Data Broker

Acxiom's CEO Scott Howe explains how self-regulation can work By Katy Bachman

Watch Dogs - Digital Shadow

a promotion for the game Watch Dogs which uses your Facebook data to guess your location, your income, and your passwords. I maintain fairly restrictive privacy settings, and most of the page didn't predict much, but the income prediction was a $20,000 range almost perfectly centered on my actual salary. If that weren't enough, it also combs through your friends to identify which you interact with more than vice versa ("obsessions"), which interact more with you ("stalkers"), and which tag you a lot, spreading your personal information more widely ("liabilities").

How One Woman Hid Her Pregnancy From Big Data

For the past nine months, Janet Vertesi, assistant professor of sociology at Princeton University, tried to hide from the Internet the fact that she's pregnant — and it wasn't easy.

Phones are giving away your location, regardless of your privacy settings - Quartz

Sensors in your phone that collect seemingly harmless data could leave you vulnerable to cyber attack, according to new research. And saying no to apps that ask for your location is not enough to prevent the tracking of your device.

April 2014

The Data Brokers: Selling your personal information - CBS News

Steve Kroft investigates the multibillion dollar industry that collects, analyzes and sells the personal information of millions of Americans with virtually no oversight

March 2014

by 1 other allows you to view, edit, and remove information about yourself from Acxiom’s marketing database.

January 2014

A Death in the Database : The New Yorker

Then, unexpectedly, Ashley died. Less than a year later, last Thursday, her father received a promotional mailer from OfficeMax addressed to “Mike Seay/Daughter Killed in Car Crash/Or Current Business.”

November 2013

by 1 other
They make money from your data. Why shouldn't you? Get Started