public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tags email & newsletters



by 3 others
Email for people with something to say

Quartz UX Teardown: How to Design and Create Engaging Email Newsletter User Experiences - Jason Shah

Easy and Useful UX + Consistent Delivery of that Experience = My Continued Engagement with Quartz

E-newsletters: still a ‘powerful medium’ for engagement | Media news

Although email may be the 'unsexy older cousin' of social media networks, newsletters can still be an effective tool for engaging readers

oss the junk with one click. After you sign up, see a list of all your subscription emails. Unsubscribe instantly from whatever you don’t want.


Email Design Best Practices, Mobile Newsletter Design Guidelines

Email Design Best Practices Is your email good to land in your client's inbox?


Inbox Award

Inspire & be inspired by the best email design in the world.

Testing Software for Web Professionals - Litmus

by 9 others
The advanced testing tool for web professionals. We've felt the pain of getting website designs to work correctly across different browsers. Not to mention designing email newsletters that work on all email clients. Litmus makes compatibility testing easier. Litmus is lightning-fast, reliable and affordable. It's relied upon by thousands of smart freelancers and switched-on agencies; as well as big companies like Yahoo!, Facebook and eBay.