public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dggit with tags storytelling & delicious

December 2010

October 2010

September 2010

Storyplanet » Five types of interactive narratives

by 1 other
Marie-Laure outlines a number different models for interactive storytelling. I have boiled it down to five models, which I think are a great starting point when you are planning your interactive project. This is how they look:

August 2010

July 2010

Le mariage de l'info et du jeu vidéo -

et si, pour aller plus loin, le web-journaliste utilisait le jeu vidéo comme un nouvel outil ? Ces dernières années, on a assisté au développement tous azimuts des serious games, des jeux vidéo dotés d'une "intention sérieuse" : pédagogie, formation, recrutement, marketing… Et pourquoi pas information ?

May 2010

Storyist » Home

by 1 other
“Storyist, for me, was more fun to use than any of the other novel/screenplay creation tools. ... Because of that intangible feeling of using a thoughtful, finely crafted tool, the scope of the features, and the (available) printed manual, I'm rating Storyist one notch above all the rest.” - John Martellaro, Senior Editor, The Mac Observer

igda game writers special interest group » Blog Archive » Foundations of Interactive Storytelling

Stories have most likely been part of the human experience from the earliest days of language, but until recently the storytelling medium has been largely static. Barring different versions of the same story, any given tale unfolds the same way every time one reads it.

Games and stories | Technology |

At BarCamp Brighton last weekend, Alternate Reality Game developer Adrian Hon held a session on games and stories. His company's storytelling experiment, We Tell Stories, in association with Penguin, kicked off yesterday, and thus his talk was a timely retrospective on the relationship between narrative and interaction.

Digital Storytelling: A Tutorial in 10 Easy Steps

Expert tips on creating a polished, professional digital video

eLearn: Feature Article - Using Digital Storytelling for Creative and Innovative e-Learning

To achieve emotional movement, McKee proposes five stages for designing the "spine" of a story: 1) inciting incident, 2) progressive complications, 3) crisis, 4) climax, and 5) resolution.

April 2010

March 2010

February 2010

Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling

The purpose of the video is to show how historical video clips can be used along with still images to tell a story and hopefully, inspire viewers to think about how they can use digital media to tell their own stories.

January 2010

The End of the Line :: Home Page

by 1 other
The End of the Line (le bout de la ligne de pêche) est un film documentaire qui n’est sorti qu’aux USA et en Grande-Bretagne concernant la surexploitation des océans, notamment en ce qui concerne la pêche. Il a été réalisé en 2008 selon le livre éponyme de Charles Clover. On y parle donc de plusieurs sujets : le moratoire sur la pêche à la morue au large de Terre-Neuve, la surpêche du thon rouge et l’augmentation de la demande pour les sushis, les conséquences de la disparition du poisson pour l’alimentation des êtres humains, etc…

LE STORYTELLING : des histoires non, notre histoire oui (rapport d'innovation des membres de courts circuits) - Paperblog

Storytelling signifie littéralement raconter une histoire en anglais. Le Storytelling est la version moderne de l’art de la transmission et de la conviction par le pouvoir des histoires. Il consiste à faire émerger une ou plusieurs histoires à fort pouvoir de séduction et de conviction. Selon le principe que pour parler à la tête, il faut souvent d’abord toucher le coeur. Autrement dit passer par l’émotion pour atteindre la raison.