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PUBLIC MARKS from dggit with tag statistics

August 2007

ClickTale™ :: Record - Watch - Understand

ClickTale shows you movies of visitors' every mouse movement, every click and every scrolling action.

Journalistopia » Visualize your news graphics’ possibilities

Smashing Magazine has produced an excellent list of some of the best data visualization examples on the Web today (hat tip to Melissa Worden).

March 2007

January 2007

InFlow - Mapping and Measuring Business, Social and Organizational Networks

We license the InFlow set of software tools for social and organizational network analysis. We have two options for InFlow licensing -- 1) software only, 2) software and training mentoring in social/organizational network analysis [SNA/ONA]. InFlow is software designed by consultants, for consultants, with powerful what-if capability, and superior ease-of-use. InFlow does both network visualization and network analysis in one seamless interface. Knowledge of advanced statistics and matrix algebra are not required!

amaznode: about

Amaznode is a relation based search engine for amazon which is made with adobe flash9(as3). This search engine visualize a relatioon network of products in amazon, from the statistics data "customers who bought this item also bought", by digging related products again and again. Amaznode is not only for searching but also good for reserching and making an associate link.

October 2006

Leading User-Generated Content Sites See Exponential Growth in UK Visitors During the Past Year

by 1 other (via)
"While uniformly demonstrating strong traffic growth, UGC sites are also adept at keeping users engaged. As part of its study, comScore analyzed engagement levels among visitors to the top 5 UGC sites and those visiting the remaining sites that comprise the Top 50 Properties in July. The results show that, on average, the top 5 UGC sites exhibit higher levels of user engagement than their counterparts across all engagement metrics. Collectively, the leading UGC sites draw more frequent visits than non-UGC sites (4.2 vs. 3.5 average usage days per month), longer periods of engagement (79.9 vs. 33.2 average minutes per visitor), and more pages viewed (217 vs. 52 average pages per visitor)."

Which subjects generate more money per pageview? « Life is a venture

Advertising is the main revenue sources for many websites but not all web pages are created equal. How much money can one generate per page view? It really depends on the contents of the web pages and the viewers. In general, the income per thousand pageview (CPM) can range from $1-$50 for most websites. Search, travel and local search seem to generate high CPM.

August 2006 Worldwide

Aug. 7 2006 (Bloomberg) -- News Corp. chose Google Inc. to provide Internet search features for its Web site in a transaction that will generate at least $900 million in revenue over three years for Fox Web sites.

May 2006

March 2006

February 2006

January 2006

October 2005

HK's TAGS related to tag statistics

amazon +   business-model +   businessplan +   citizensmedia +   cpm +   design +   documentary +   feedback +   internet +   marche +   openmedia +   outils +   search +   stat +   study +   tools +