public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dggit with tag feedback

30 October 2006

29 October 2006

What If Media 2.0 Is Less Profitable Than Media 1.0? » Publishing 2.0

"As consumers spend more and more of their media time online, ad dollars have been pouring into online media — the assumption has been that the billions of dollars that large companies spend on mass media advertising and marketing (i.e. TV ads) will ultimately follow the small company dollars online. If this assumption is correct, websites with the greatest command of online consumer attention, e.g. MySpace, will be the beneficiaries of this 1-to-1 transfer of marketing and advertising dollars to digital media. But what if there’s a fatal flaw in this assumption? What if the transfer of marketing and advertising dollars online is not 1-to-1? What if the Internet has fundamentally lowered the marketing and advertising costs for big companies as it has for small companies? What if large companies can achieve the same sales objectives for a fraction of the cost of traditional mass media advertising? "

Leading User-Generated Content Sites See Exponential Growth in UK Visitors During the Past Year

by 1 other (via)
"While uniformly demonstrating strong traffic growth, UGC sites are also adept at keeping users engaged. As part of its study, comScore analyzed engagement levels among visitors to the top 5 UGC sites and those visiting the remaining sites that comprise the Top 50 Properties in July. The results show that, on average, the top 5 UGC sites exhibit higher levels of user engagement than their counterparts across all engagement metrics. Collectively, the leading UGC sites draw more frequent visits than non-UGC sites (4.2 vs. 3.5 average usage days per month), longer periods of engagement (79.9 vs. 33.2 average minutes per visitor), and more pages viewed (217 vs. 52 average pages per visitor)."

27 October 2006

Coming Attraction: YouTube's Business Model - Knowledge@Wharton

"In music, Apple calls the shots. On the Web it's Google. For video, it's going to be YouTube."

16 October 2006

YouTube Falls to #3 Online Video Site « Will Video for Food

"According to ComScore, YouTube has slipped to the #3 site for online video viewing. This news doesn’t count as a YouTube “bubble burst,” but you may want to revise your entry in the pool."

Google officialise le rachat de YouTube - Actualités -

"YouTube représenterait environ 45% du marché de la vidéo en ligne, selon des mesures d'audience de la société Hitwise. Plus de 100 millions de vidéos y sont consultées chaque jour, avec 20 millions de visiteurs uniques mensuels (source Nielsen Net Ratings)."

13 October 2006


by 23 others, 1 comment
Ce site est un peu comme YouTube ou DailyMotion. Il permet aux utilisateurs d'uploader des vidéos, les transforme au format Flash ou au format pour la PSP ou l'iPod. Il est aussi possible de télécharger les vidéos dans des formats plus conventionels simplement. Néanmoins à la différence de DailyMotion ou YouTube, le site n'a pas de limites de durée pour les films ce qui permet d'uploader des séries TV voire des films. La qualité est aussi meilleure.Mais Guba ne se limite pas aux simples upload d'utilisateurs. Il va aussi chercher ses vidéos sur UseNet, les newsgroups. Guba fait tout d'un coup, il télécharge sur UseNet, décompresse les vidéos et la transforme automatiquement pour les regarder sur son site. UseNet étant une mine pour les films et vidéos en tout genre

MediaShift . Crazy, Crazy, Crazy?::Google Spends $1.65 Billion for YouTube | PBS

"It’s deja vu all over again as an unprofibable Internet startup, barely 19 months old, was bought for $1.65 billion yesterday. But the startup in question, video-sharing phenomenon YouTube , is not just any startup looking to cash in on hype. YouTube is the eyeball catcher of all eyeball catchers, racking up 100 million-plus videos watched per day, and has become a brand that has broken through to the mainstream, to the non-technical masses, to our grandparents and little kids."

MediaShift . Your Take Roundup::Facebook Still a Favorite...For Now | PBS

"Sometimes we in the media get carried away by the news of the day, and draw hasty conclusions that turn out all wrong. Take Facebook and the rise of social networking sites such as MySpace . Because they are the province of the young, we assume their tastes are fickle and that these sites will be hot today, gone tomorrow."

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