public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dggit with tags design & motion

July 2010

May 2010

February 2010

December 2009


by 1 other
Animation du poème de Sasha West “Zoology” . Une réalisation du graphiste argentin Ernesto Lavandera pour Born Magazine. magnifique!!


PepperMelon has been giving an original and distinguished flavor to the Animation & Design Industry since its launch date, circa 2007. The studios are based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where passionate craftsmen are part of a creative studio model that combines the abilities of directors, animators, character designers, industrial designers, visual effects artists and writers.

Cellules Studio > conceptions et réalisations de projets interactifs et audiovisuels

Cellules est un studio de création qui associe deux spécialités : la conception interactive et la réalisation audiovisuelle. Nous créons des outils de communication en apportant la force de l'image animée au potentiel des médias électroniques, et inversement. Nous travaillons pour tous les formats d'écrans et modes de consultation (sites internet et intranet, smartphones, projections, bornes interactives, dvd...).

Nelonen - Urban Abstract

“Urban Abstract“ fruit de la rencontre entre le finlandais Jopsu Ramu et le japonais Shun Kawakami (Artless) pour l’agence Musuta Lt & TV Nelonen.

November 2009

Michael Paul Young

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Michael Paul Young started his career as one of the directors at the progressive firm Vir2l which was world renowned for rethinking web design from 1998-2000. While not working in the commercial industry of graphic design, Michael's online project Designgraphik has been at the forefront of online-interactive art since 1998. In 2001, at only age 23 he was nominated for the highly prestigious Chrysler Design Award, typically reserved for architects. Michael's innovative work online and in video have been exhibited around the world from America to Asia and Australia to Europe. He has gained notable awards (Clio, Cannes Gold Cyber Lion, Art Directors Club) from many festivals and competitions. Michael continues to work daily as an artist, designer, photographer, director, producer and programer.

////// toastconcept //////

by 1 other
agence de création implantée à lyon. design graphique, motion graphics groupe de réflexion sur nouveau media et travaille le design dans sa glogalité


by 1 other
agence avec un pool de réalisateurs talentueux ( clips, pub, films, courts métrages...) références : audi, coca, parfums, clips...