public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags webdev & web

July 2009

Measure It

by 1 other
MeasureIt - Aide à la mesure précise des dimensions des éléments d'un page, à l'aide de la souris.

FavIcon from Pics - outil online

by 90 others
Créer un icône Il faut donc créer un icône a l'image de votre site. Votre icône doit avoir une taille de 16x16 pixels, ou 32x32. Il ne doit pas depasser les 256 couleurs. Pour le créer, utilisez un logiciel specialement concu pour le création d'icône. Pour pouvez en trouver chez tucows par exemple. Il existe aussi un site qui permet de créer des icones à partir d'images : L'icone doit s'appeler favicon.ico.

January 2009

Impressive Pixel » Page Inlink Analyzer: Look at the Pages that Link to Your Site and Their Relative “Link Value”

The Page Inlink Analyzer provides a first stab at that interface. It gives you the top 35 or so pages for a site on the left, and for each inbound link you get a report of how many inbound links that page has (for the page itself and for its top-level domain) and how many times the page has been bookmarked in Delicous.

15 Tools for Monitoring a Website’s Popularity - Six Revisions

by 2 others
To help you make design and development decisions. Knowing what websites work and which ones tank can give you insights and inspiration on what design elements, website features, and website content is effective. 1. Yahoo! Site Explorer__2. Compete__3. Quantcast__ 1. Yahoo! Site Explorer 2. Compete__4. Alexa__5. Feed Compare__6. popuri.us__7. socialmeter__ 8. TweetVolume__9. Quarkbase__10. BlogPulse Profiles__11. Technorati Blogging Central 12. Statbrain.com__13. Cubestat____14. dnScoop__15. WebsiteOutlook To help you in your analysis, here are 15 top-notch, free, and simple web tools to help you learn more about a particular website.

December 2008

August 2008

ThickBox 3.1___A webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library.

by 61 others
ThickBox is a webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library. Its function is to show a single image, multiple images, inline content, iframed content, or content served through AJAX in a hybrid modal.

July 2008

Favicon Genereator

by 2 others
easy to use on-line favicon generator